This section contains a collection of clients using our BFF security framework.
This sample shows how to use the BFF framework with a JavaScript-based frontend (e.g. SPA).
This sample shows how to use the BFF framework with the .NET 6 React template.
This sample shows how to use the BFF framework with the .NET 6 Angular template.
This sample shows how to use the BFF framework with Blazor WASM.
This sample shows how to use Authentication in combination with Blazor’s AutoRendering feature.
This sample shows how to use the BFF extensions for Microsoft YARP
This sample shows how to have separate projects from the frontend and backend, using CORS to allow cross-site requests from the frontend to the backend.
This sample shows how to configure the BFF to use DPoP to obtain sender-constrained tokens.
This sample shows how to extend the BFF with an IAccessTokenRetriever. This example of an IAccessTokenRetriever performs token exchange for impersonation. If you are logged in as alice you will get a token for bob, and vice versa.
Feel free to ask the developer community if you are looking for a particular sample and can’t find it here.