Version 5.x has been out of support since December 13, 2022, and this corresponding section of the documentation is no longer maintained. We strongly recommend upgrading to a supported version.



The Client class models an OpenID Connect or OAuth 2.0 client - e.g. a native application, a web application or a JS-based application.

public static IEnumerable<Client> Get()
    return new List<Client>
        // machine to machine client
        new Client
            ClientId = "machine",
            ClientSecrets = { Configuration["machine.secret"] },
            AllowedGrantTypes = GrantTypes.ClientCredentials,
            AllowedScopes = machineScopes

        // web client
        new Client
            ClientId = "web",
            ClientSecrets = { new Secret(Configuration["web.secret"]) },

            AllowedGrantTypes = GrantTypes.Code,
            RedirectUris = { "" },
            PostLogoutRedirectUris = { "" },

            BackChannelLogoutUri = "",

            AllowOfflineAccess = true,
            AllowedScopes = webScopes


  • Enabled

    Specifies if client is enabled. Defaults to true.

  • ClientId

    Unique ID of the client

  • ClientSecrets

    List of client secrets - credentials to access the token endpoint.

  • RequireClientSecret

    Specifies whether this client needs a secret to request tokens from the token endpoint (defaults to true)

  • RequireRequestObject

    Specifies whether this client needs to wrap the authorize request parameters in a JWT (defaults to false)

  • AllowedGrantTypes

    Specifies the grant types the client is allowed to use. Use the GrantTypes class for common combinations.

  • RequirePkce

    Specifies whether clients using an authorization code based grant type must send a proof key (defaults to true).

  • AllowPlainTextPkce

    Specifies whether clients using PKCE can use a plain text code challenge (not recommended - and default to false)

  • RedirectUris

    Specifies the allowed URIs to return tokens or authorization codes to

  • AllowedScopes

    By default a client has no access to any resources - specify the allowed resources by adding the corresponding scopes names

  • AllowOfflineAccess

    Specifies whether this client can request refresh tokens (be requesting the offline_access scope)

  • AllowAccessTokensViaBrowser

    Specifies whether this client is allowed to receive access tokens via the browser. This is useful to harden flows that allow multiple response types (e.g. by disallowing a hybrid flow client that is supposed to use code id_token to add the token response type and thus leaking the token to the browser.

  • Properties

    Dictionary to hold any custom client-specific values as needed.

Authentication / Session Management

  • PostLogoutRedirectUris

    Specifies allowed URIs to redirect to after logout.

  • FrontChannelLogoutUri

    Specifies logout URI at client for HTTP based front-channel logout.

  • FrontChannelLogoutSessionRequired

    Specifies if the user’s session id should be sent to the FrontChannelLogoutUri. Defaults to true.

  • BackChannelLogoutUri

    Specifies logout URI at client for HTTP based back-channel logout.

  • BackChannelLogoutSessionRequired

    Specifies if the user’s session id should be sent in the request to the BackChannelLogoutUri. Defaults to true.

  • EnableLocalLogin

    Specifies if this client can use local accounts, or external IdPs only. Defaults to true.

  • IdentityProviderRestrictions

    Specifies which external IdPs can be used with this client (if list is empty all IdPs are allowed). Defaults to empty.

  • UserSsoLifetime

    The maximum duration (in seconds) since the last time the user authenticated. Defaults to null. You can adjust the lifetime of a session token to control when and how often a user is required to reenter credentials instead of being silently authenticated, when using a web application.

  • AllowedCorsOrigins

    If specified, will be used by the default CORS policy service implementations (In-Memory and EF) to build a CORS policy for JavaScript clients.


  • IdentityTokenLifetime

    Lifetime to identity token in seconds (defaults to 300 seconds / 5 minutes)

  • AllowedIdentityTokenSigningAlgorithms

    List of allowed signing algorithms for identity token. If empty, will use the server default signing algorithm.

  • AccessTokenLifetime

    Lifetime of access token in seconds (defaults to 3600 seconds / 1 hour)

  • AuthorizationCodeLifetime

    Lifetime of authorization code in seconds (defaults to 300 seconds / 5 minutes)

  • AccessTokenType

    Specifies whether the access token is a reference token or a self contained JWT token (defaults to Jwt).

  • IncludeJwtId

    Specifies whether JWT access tokens should have an embedded unique ID (via the jti claim). Defaults to true.

  • Claims

    Allows settings claims for the client (will be included in the access token).

  • AlwaysSendClientClaims

    If set, the client claims will be sent for every flow. If not, only for client credentials flow (default is false)

  • AlwaysIncludeUserClaimsInIdToken

    When requesting both an id token and access token, should the user claims always be added to the id token instead of requiring the client to use the userinfo endpoint. Default is false.

  • ClientClaimsPrefix

    If set, the prefix client claim types will be prefixed with. Defaults to client_. The intent is to make sure they don’t accidentally collide with user claims.

  • PairWiseSubjectSalt Salt value used in pair-wise subjectId generation for users of this client. Currently not implemented.

Refresh Token

  • AbsoluteRefreshTokenLifetime

    Maximum lifetime of a refresh token in seconds. Defaults to 2592000 seconds / 30 days

  • SlidingRefreshTokenLifetime

    Sliding lifetime of a refresh token in seconds. Defaults to 1296000 seconds / 15 days

  • RefreshTokenUsage

    • ReUse

      the refresh token handle will stay the same when refreshing tokens

    • OneTime

      the refresh token handle will be updated when refreshing tokens. This is the default.

  • RefreshTokenExpiration

    • Absolute

      the refresh token will expire on a fixed point in time (specified by the AbsoluteRefreshTokenLifetime). This is the default.

    • Sliding

      when refreshing the token, the lifetime of the refresh token will be renewed (by the amount specified in SlidingRefreshTokenLifetime). The lifetime will not exceed AbsoluteRefreshTokenLifetime.

  • UpdateAccessTokenClaimsOnRefresh

    Gets or sets a value indicating whether the access token (and its claims) should be updated on a refresh token request.

Consent screen specific settings.

  • RequireConsent

    Specifies whether a consent screen is required. Defaults to false.

  • AllowRememberConsent

    Specifies whether user can choose to store consent decisions. Defaults to true.

  • ConsentLifetime

    Lifetime of a user consent in seconds. Defaults to null (no expiration).

  • ClientName

    Client display name (used for logging and consent screen).

  • ClientUri

    URI to further information about client.

  • LogoUri

    URI to client logo.

Device flow

Device flow specific settings.

  • UserCodeType

    Specifies the type of user code to use for the client. Otherwise falls back to default.

  • DeviceCodeLifetime

    Lifetime to device code in seconds (defaults to 300 seconds / 5 minutes)