Version 6.x has been out of support since May 14, 2024, and this corresponding section of the documentation is no longer maintained. We strongly recommend you upgrade to the latest supported version of 7.x and read the latest version of this documentation.
The IDynamicClientRegistrationValidator is the contract for the service that processes a dynamic client registration request. It contains a single ProcessAsync(…) method.
Conceptually, the request processing step is responsible for setting properties on the Client model that are generated by the Configuration API itself. In contrast, the IDynamicClientRegistrationRequestProcessor is responsible for checking the validity of the metadata supplied in the registration request, and using that metadata to set properties of a Client model. The request processor is also responsible for passing the finished Client to the store
name | description |
ProcessAsync(…) | Processes a valid dynamic client registration request, setting properties of the client that are not specified in the request, and storing the new client in the IClientConfigurationStore. |
The DynamicClientRegistrationRequestProcessor is the default implementation of the IDynamicClientRegistrationRequestProcessor. If you need to customize some aspect of Dynamic Client Registration request processing, we recommend that you extend this class and override the appropriate virtual methods.
public class DynamicClientRegistrationRequestProcessor : IDynamicClientRegistrationRequestProcessor
Each of these virtual methods represents one step of request processing. Each step is passed a DynamicClientRegistrationContext and returns a task that returns an IStepResult. The DynamicClientRegistrationContext includes the client model that will have its properties set, the DCR request, and other contextual information. The IStepResult either represents that the step succeeded or failed.
name | description |
virtual AddClientId | Generates a client ID and adds it to the validatedRequest’s client model. |
virtual AddClientSecret | Adds a client secret to a dynamic client registration request. |
The AddClientSecret method is responsible for adding the client’s secret and plaintext of that secret to the context’s Items dictionary for later use. If you want to customize secret generation more simply, you can override the GenerateSecret method, which only needs to return a tuple containing the secret and its plaintext.
name | description |
virtual GenerateSecret | Generates a secret for a dynamic client registration request. |