Identity Provider


The OidcProvider models an external OpenID Connect provider for use in the dynamic providers feature. Its properties map to the Open ID Connect options class from ASP.NET Core, and those properties include:

  • Enabled

    Specifies if provider is enabled. Defaults to true.

  • Scheme

    Scheme name for the provider.

  • DisplayName

    Display name for the provider.

  • Type

    Protocol type of the provider. Defaults to “oidc” for the OidcProvider.

  • Authority

    The base address of the OIDC provider.

  • ResponseType

    The response type. Defaults to “id_token”.

  • ClientId

    The client id.

  • ClientSecret

    The client secret. By default this is the plaintext client secret and great consideration should be taken if this value is to be stored as plaintext in the store. It is possible to store this in a protected way and then unprotect when loading from the store either by implementing a custom IIdentityProviderStore or registering a custom IConfigureNamedOptions<OpenIdConnectOptions>.

  • Scope

    Space separated list of scope values.

  • GetClaimsFromUserInfoEndpoint

    Indicates if userinfo endpoint is to be contacted. Defaults to true.

  • UsePkce

    Indicates if PKCE should be used. Defaults to true.


The IdentityProviderName models the display name of an identity provider.

  • Enabled

    Specifies if provider is enabled. Defaults to true.

  • Scheme

    Scheme name for the provider.

  • DisplayName

    Display name for the provider.


The IdentityProvider is a base class to model arbitrary identity providers, which OidcProvider derives from. This leaves open the possibility for extensions to the dynamic provider feature to support other protocol types (as distinguished by the Type property).