Version 6.x has been out of support since May 14, 2024, and this corresponding section of the documentation is no longer maintained. We strongly recommend you upgrade to the latest supported version of 7.x and read the latest version of this documentation.

Issuing Internal Tokens

Sometimes, extensibility code running on your IdentityServer needs access tokens to call other APIs. In this case it is not necessary to use the protocol endpoints. The tokens can be issued internally.

The IdentityServerTools class is a collection of useful internal tools that you might need when writing extensibility code for IdentityServer. To use it, inject it into your code, e.g. a controller::

public MyController(IdentityServerTools tools)
    _tools = tools;

The IssueJwtAsync method allows creating JWT tokens using the IdentityServer token creation engine. The IssueClientJwtAsync is an easier version of that for creating tokens for server-to-server communication (e.g. when you have to call an IdentityServer protected API from your code):

public async Task<IActionResult> MyAction()
    var token = await _tools.IssueClientJwtAsync(
        clientId: "client_id",
        lifetime: 3600,
        audiences: new[] { "backend.api" });

    // more code