Version 6.x has been out of support since May 14, 2024, and this corresponding section of the documentation is no longer maintained. We strongly recommend you upgrade to the latest supported version of 7.x and read the latest version of this documentation.
All refresh token handling is implemented in the DefaultRefreshTokenService (which is the default implementation of the IRefreshTokenService interface):
public interface IRefreshTokenService
/// <summary>
/// Validates a refresh token.
/// </summary>
Task<TokenValidationResult> ValidateRefreshTokenAsync(string token, Client client);
/// <summary>
/// Creates the refresh token.
/// </summary>
Task<string> CreateRefreshTokenAsync(ClaimsPrincipal subject, Token accessToken, Client client);
/// <summary>
/// Updates the refresh token.
/// </summary>
Task<string> UpdateRefreshTokenAsync(string handle, RefreshToken refreshToken, Client client);
The behavior of the refresh token service is complex. We don’t recommend implementing the interface from scratch, unless you know exactly know what you are doing. If you want to customize how refresh tokens are handled, we recommended that you create a class that derives from the default implementation and override its virtual methods, calling the methods in the base class before adding your own custom logic.
The most common customizations to the refresh token service involve how to handle consumed tokens. In these situations, the token usage has been set to one-time only, but the same token gets sent more than once. This could either point to a replay attack of the refresh token, bugs in the client code, or transient network failures.
When one-time use refresh tokens are used, they are not necessarily deleted from the database. The DeleteOneTimeOnlyRefreshTokensOnUse configuration flag, added in version 6.3, controls if such tokens are immediately deleted or consumed. If configured for consumption instead of deletion, then when the token is used, the ConsumedTime property will be set. If a token is received that has already been consumed, the default service will call the AcceptConsumedTokenAsync virtual method. The purpose of AcceptConsumedTokenAsync is to determine if a consumed token should be allowed to be used to produce new tokens. The default implementation of AcceptConsumedTokenAsync rejects all consumed tokens, causing the protocol request to fail with the “invalid_grant” error. Your customized implementation could instead add a grace period to allow recovery after network failures or could treat this as a replay attack and take steps to notify the user and/or revoke their access.
See also: Refreshing a token