Backchannel Authentication User Validator


The IBackchannelAuthenticationUserValidator interface is used to validate request hints and identify the user for whom the CIBA request is intended. To use CIBA, you are expected to implement this interface and register it in the DI system.

IBackchannelAuthenticationUserValidator APIs

  • ValidateRequestAsync

    Validates the backchannel login request with the provided BackchannelAuthenticationUserValidatorContext for the current request. Returns a BackchannelAuthenticationUserValidationResult object.


Models the information to validate and identity the user for a CIBA login request.

  • Client

    The Client making the request.

  • LoginHintToken

    The login hint request parameter from the request.

  • IdTokenHint

    The id token hint request parameter from the request.

  • IdTokenHintClaims

    The claims contained in the validated id token hint from the request.

  • LoginHint

    The login hint request parameter from the request.

  • UserCode

    The user code request parameter from the request.

  • BindingMessage

    The binding request parameter from the request.


Models the result of a CIBA login request.

  • Subject

    The ClaimsPrincipal that represents the user that was successfully identified for the login request. This must contain the user’s “sub” claim.

  • Error

    The error if the user validation failed.

  • ErrorDescription

    The error description if the user validation failed.