Version 6.x has been out of support since May 14, 2024, and this corresponding section of the documentation is no longer maintained. We strongly recommend you upgrade to the latest supported version of 7.x and read the latest version of this documentation.

IdentityServer Interaction Service


The IIdentityServerInteractionService interface is intended to provide services to be used by the user interface to communicate with IdentityServer, mainly pertaining to user interaction. It is available from the dependency injection system and would normally be injected as a constructor parameter into your MVC controllers for the user interface of IdentityServer.

IIdentityServerInteractionService APIs

  • GetAuthorizationContextAsync

    Returns the AuthorizationRequest based on the returnUrl passed to the login or consent pages.

  • IsValidReturnUrl

    Indicates if the returnUrl is a valid URL for redirect after login or consent.

  • GetErrorContextAsync

    Returns the ErrorMessage based on the errorId passed to the error page.

  • GetLogoutContextAsync

    Returns the LogoutRequest based on the logoutId passed to the logout page.

  • CreateLogoutContextAsync

    Used to create a logoutId if there is not one presently. This creates a cookie capturing all the current state needed for signout and the logoutId identifies that cookie. This is typically used when there is no current logoutId and the logout page must capture the current user’s state needed for sign-out prior to redirecting to an external identity provider for signout. The newly created logoutId would need to be roundtripped to the external identity provider at signout time, and then used on the signout callback page in the same way it would be on the normal logout page.

  • GrantConsentAsync

    Accepts a ConsentResponse to inform IdentityServer of the user’s consent to a particular AuthorizationRequest.

  • DenyAuthorizationAsync

    Accepts a AuthorizationError to inform IdentityServer of the error to return to the client for a particular AuthorizationRequest.

  • GetAllUserGrantsAsync

    Returns a collection of Grant for the user. These represent a user’s consent or a clients access to a user’s resource.

  • RevokeUserConsentAsync

    Revokes all of a user’s consents and grants for a client.

  • RevokeTokensForCurrentSessionAsync

    Revokes all of a user’s consents and grants for clients the user has signed into during their current session.

Returned models

The above methods return various models.


  • Client

    The client that initiated the request.

  • RedirectUri

    The URI to redirect the user to after successful authorization.

  • DisplayMode

    The display mode passed from the authorization request.

  • UiLocales

    The UI locales passed from the authorization request.

  • IdP The external identity provider requested. This is used to bypass home realm discovery (HRD). This is provided via the “idp:” prefix to the acr_values parameter on the authorize request.

  • Tenant

    The tenant requested. This is provided via the “tenant:” prefix to the acr_values parameter on the authorize request.

  • LoginHint

    The expected username the user will use to login. This is requested from the client via the login_hint parameter on the authorize request.

  • PromptMode

    The prompt mode requested from the authorization request.

  • AcrValues

    The acr values passed from the authorization request.

  • ValidatedResources

    The ResourceValidationResult which represents the validated resources from the authorization request.

  • Parameters

    The entire parameter collection passed to the authorization request.

  • RequestObjectValues

    The validated contents of the request object (if present).


  • Resources

    The resources of the result.

  • ParsedScopes

    The parsed scopes represented by the result.

  • RawScopeValues

    The original (raw) scope values represented by the validated result.


  • Error

    The error code.

  • ErrorDescription

    The error description.

  • DisplayMode

    The display mode passed from the authorization request.

  • UiLocales

    The UI locales passed from the authorization request.

  • RequestId

    The per-request identifier. This can be used to display to the end user and can be used in diagnostics.

  • ClientId

    The client id making the request (if available).

  • RedirectUri

    The redirect URI back to the client (if available).


  • ClientId

    The client identifier that initiated the request.

  • PostLogoutRedirectUri

    The URL to redirect the user to after they have logged out.

  • SessionId

    The user’s current session id.

  • SignOutIFrameUrl

    The URL to render in an <iframe> on the logged out page to enable single sign-out.

  • Parameters

    The entire parameter collection passed to the end session endpoint.

  • ShowSignoutPrompt

    Indicates if the user should be prompted for signout based upon the parameters passed to the end session endpoint.


  • ScopesValuesConsented

    The collection of scopes the user consented to.

  • RememberConsent

    Flag indicating if the user’s consent is to be persisted.

  • Description

    Optional description the user can set for the grant (e.g. the name of the device being used when consent is given). This can be presented back to the user from the persisted grant service.

  • Error

    Error, if any, for the consent response. This will be returned to the client in the authorization response.

  • ErrorDescription

    Error description. This will be returned to the client in the authorization response.


  • SubjectId

    The subject id that allowed the grant.

  • ClientId

    The client identifier for the grant.

  • Description

    The description the user assigned to the client or device being authorized.

  • Scopes

    The collection of scopes granted.

  • CreationTime

    The date and time when the grant was granted.

  • Expiration

    The date and time when the grant will expire.