License Usage Summary


The LicenseUsageSummary class allows developers to get a detailed summary of clients, issuers, and features used during the lifetime of an active .NET application for self-auditing purposes.

  • LicenseEdition

    Indicates the current IdentityServer instance’s license edition.

  • ClientsUsed

    A string collection of clients used with the current IdentityServer instance.

  • IssuersUsed

    A string collection of issuers used with the current IdentityServer instance.

  • FeaturesUsed

    A string collection of issuers used with the current IdentityServer instance.

Using LicenseUsageSummary with .NET Lifetime Events

In .NET, an IHost implementation allows developers to subscribe to application lifetime events, including Application Started, Application Stopped, and Application Stopping. IdentityServer tracks usage metrics internally and that information may be accessed by developers at any time during the application’s lifetime from the application’s service collection using the following code snippet.

// from a valid services scope

For self-auditing purposes, we recommend using the IHost lifetime event ApplicationStopping as shown in the example below.

Note, LicenseUsageSummary is read-only.

app.Lifetime.ApplicationStopping.Register(() =>
  var usage = app.Services.GetRequiredService<LicenseUsageSummary>();
  // Todo: Substitue a different logging mechanism

Developers may also use common dependency injection techniques such as property or constructor injection.

// An ASP.NET Core MVC Controller
public class MyController: Controller {
    public MyController(LicenseUsageSummary summary) {
        // use the summary information    

Developers can use the license usage summary to determine if their organization is within their current licensing tier or if they need to make adjustments to stay within compliance of Duende licensing terms.