There are several options for hosting the UI assets when using a BFF.
Hosting the UI together with the BFF is the simplest choice, as requests from the front end to the backend will automatically include the authentication cookie and not require CORS headers. If you create a BFF host using our templates, the UI will be hosted in this way:
dotnet new bffremoteapi
# or
dotnet new bfflocalapi
Many frontend applications require a build process, which complicates the use of the static file middleware at development time. Visual Studio includes SPA templates that start up a SPA and proxy requests to it during development. Samples of Duende.BFF that take this approach using React and Angular are available.
Microsoft’s templates are easy to use at dev time from Visual Studio. They allow you to simply run the solution, and the template proxies requests to the front end for you. At deploy time, that proxy is removed and the static assets of the site are served by the static file middleware.
You may want to host the UI outside of the BFF. At development time, UI developers might prefer to run the frontend outside of Visual Studio (e.g., using the node cli). You might also want to have separate deployments of the frontend and the BFF, and you might want your static UI assets hosted on a CDN. If that is your preference, there are a couple of options for hosting the frontend outside of the C# project.
First, you can host the BFF and SPA entirely separately, and use CORS to make requests from the frontend to the backend. In order to include the auth cookie in those requests, the frontend code will have to declare that it should send credentials using the credentials: “include” option. You’ll also need to ensure that the two components are hosted on subdomains of the same domain so that third party cookie blocking doesn’t prevent the frontend from including cookies in its requests to the BFF host.
A sample of this approach is available.
Secondly, you could serve the index page of the SPA from the BFF, but have all of the other static assets hosted on another host (presumably a CDN). This technique makes the UI and BFF have exactly the same origin, so the authentication cookie will be sent from the frontend to the BFF automatically, and third party cookie blocking and the SameSite cookie attribute won’t present any problems.
Setting this up for local development takes a bit of effort however. As you make changes to the frontend, the UI’s build process might generate a change to the index page. If it does, you’ll need to arrange for the index page being served by the BFF host to reflect that change.
Additionally, the front end will need to be configurable so that it is able to load its assets from other hosts. The mechanism for doing so will vary depending on the technology used to build the frontend. For instance, Angular includes a number of deployment options that allow you to control where it expects to find assets.
The added complexity of this technique is justified when there is a requirement to host the front end on a different site (typically a CDN) from the BFF.