DI Extension Methods

AddIdentityServer return a builder object that provides many extension methods to add IdentityServer specific services to DI. Here’s a list grouped by feature areas.

var idsvrBuilder = builder.Services.AddIdentityServer();

Many of the fundamental configuration settings can be set on the options. See the IdentityServerOptions reference for more details.

Configuration Stores

Several convenience methods are provided for registering custom stores:

  • AddClientStore<T>

    Registers a custom IClientStore implementation.

  • AddCorsPolicyService<T>

    Registers a custom ICorsPolicyService implementation.

  • AddResourceStore<T>

    Registers a custom IResourceStore implementation.

  • AddIdentityProviderStore<T>

    Registers a custom IIdentityProviderStore implementation.

The in-memory configuration stores can be registered in DI with the following extension methods.

  • AddInMemoryClients

    Registers IClientStore and ICorsPolicyService implementations based on the in-memory collection of Client configuration objects.

  • AddInMemoryIdentityResources

    Registers IResourceStore implementation based on the in-memory collection of IdentityResource configuration objects.

  • AddInMemoryApiScopes

    Registers IResourceStore implementation based on the in-memory collection of ApiScope configuration objects.

  • AddInMemoryApiResources

    Registers IResourceStore implementation based on the in-memory collection of ApiResource configuration objects.

Caching Configuration Data

Extension methods to enable caching for configuration data:

  • AddInMemoryCaching<T>

    To use any of the caches described below, an implementation of ICache<T> must be registered in DI. This API registers a default in-memory implementation of ICache<T> that’s based on ASP.NET Core’s MemoryCache.

  • AddClientStoreCache<T> Registers a IClientStore decorator implementation which will maintain an in-memory cache of Client configuration objects. The cache duration is configurable on the Caching configuration options on the IdentityServerOptions.

  • AddResourceStoreCache<T>

    Registers a IResourceStore decorator implementation which will maintain an in-memory cache of IdentityResource and ApiResource configuration objects. The cache duration is configurable on the Caching configuration options on the IdentityServerOptions.

  • AddCorsPolicyCache<T>

    Registers a ICorsPolicyService decorator implementation which will maintain an in-memory cache of the results of the CORS policy service evaluation. The cache duration is configurable on the Caching configuration options on the IdentityServerOptions.

  • AddIdentityProviderStoreCache<T>

    Registers a IIdentityProviderStore decorator implementation which will maintain an in-memory cache of IdentityProvider configuration objects. The cache duration is configurable on the Caching configuration options on the IdentityServerOptions.

Test Stores

The TestUser class models a user, their credentials, and claims in IdentityServer.

Use of TestUser is similar to the use of the “in-memory” stores in that it is intended for when prototyping, developing, and/or testing. The use of TestUser is not recommended in production.

  • AddTestUsers

    Registers TestUserStore based on a collection of TestUser objects. TestUserStore is e.g. used by the default quickstart UI. Also registers implementations of IProfileService and IResourceOwnerPasswordValidator that uses the test users as a backing store.

Signing keys

Duende IdentityServer needs key material to sign tokens. This key material can either be created and managed automatically or configured statically.

We recommend that you use automatic key management. This section covers the configuration methods needed for manual configuration of signing keys, which are usually only needed if your license does not include automatic key management or if you are migrating from manually managed keys to automatic key management.

Duende IdentityServer supports X.509 certificates (both raw files and a reference to the certificate store), RSA keys and EC keys for token signatures and validation. Each key can be configured with a (compatible) signing algorithm, e.g. RS256, RS384, RS512, PS256, PS384, PS512, ES256, ES384 or ES512.

You can configure the key material with the following methods:

  • AddSigningCredential

    Adds a signing key that provides the specified key material to the various token creation/validation services.

  • AddDeveloperSigningCredential

    Creates temporary key material at startup time. This is for dev scenarios. The generated key will be persisted in the local directory by default (or just kept in memory).

  • AddValidationKey

    Adds a key for validating tokens. They will be used by the internal token validator and will show up in the discovery document.

Additional services

The following are convenient to add additional features to your IdentityServer.

  • AddExtensionGrantValidator

    Adds an IExtensionGrantValidator implementation for use with extension grants.

  • AddSecretParser

    Adds an ISecretParser implementation for parsing client or API resource credentials.

  • AddSecretValidator

    Adds an ISecretValidator implementation for validating client or API resource credentials against a credential store.

  • AddResourceOwnerValidator

    Adds an IResourceOwnerPasswordValidator implementation for validating user credentials for the resource owner password credentials grant type.

  • AddProfileService

    Adds an IProfileService implementation. The default implementation (found in DefaultProfileService) relies upon the authentication cookie as the only source of claims for issuing in tokens.

  • AddAuthorizeInteractionResponseGenerator

    Adds an IAuthorizeInteractionResponseGenerator implementation to customize logic at authorization endpoint for when a user must be shown a UI for error, login, consent, or any other custom page. The default implementation can be found in the AuthorizeInteractionResponseGenerator class, so consider deriving from this existing class if you need to augment the existing behavior.

  • AddCustomAuthorizeRequestValidator

    Adds an ICustomAuthorizeRequestValidator implementation to customize request parameter validation at the authorization endpoint.

  • AddCustomTokenRequestValidator

    Adds an ICustomTokenRequestValidator implementation to customize request parameter validation at the token endpoint.

  • AddRedirectUriValidator

    Adds an IRedirectUriValidator implementation to customize redirect URI validation.

  • AddAppAuthRedirectUriValidator

    Adds an “AppAuth” (OAuth 2.0 for Native Apps) compliant redirect URI validator (does strict validation but also allows with random port).

  • AddJwtBearerClientAuthentication

    Adds support for client authentication using JWT bearer assertions.

  • AddMutualTlsSecretValidators

    Adds the X509 secret validators for mutual TLS.

  • AddIdentityProviderConfigurationValidator

    Adds an IdentityProvider configuration validator.

  • AddBackchannelAuthenticationUserValidator

    Adds the backchannel login user validator.

  • AddBackchannelAuthenticationUserNotificationService

    Adds the backchannel login user validator.