
Securing Azure Functions

This sample shows how to parse and validate a JWT token issued by IdentityServer inside an Azure Function.

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Mutual TLS using Kestrel

This sample shows how to use Kestrel using MTLS for client authentication and proof of possession API access. Using Kestrel will not likely be how MTLS is configured in a production environment, but it is convenient for local testing. This approach requires DNS entries for mtls.localhost and api.localhost to resolve to, and is easily configured by modifying your local hosts file.

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This sample shows how to access APIs using DPoP for proof of possession. It contains two different clients; one that uses client credentials and DPoP tokens, and another that is an interactive ASP.NET Core app using code flow to obtain the DPoP bound tokens. Both clients demonstrate the use of the Duende.AccessTokenManagement library with DPoP. The sample also contains an API using the Duende.AspNetCore.Authentication.JwtBearer library to accept and validate DPoP bound access tokens.

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Session Management

This sample shows how to enable server-side sessions and configure the basic settings. The sample requires all three projects to be run at once.

Things of note:

  • In the IdentityServerHost project in Startup.cs, server-side sessions are enabled with a call to AddServerSideSessions. This only uses in-memory server-side sessions by default, so restarting the host will lose session data.
  • Also in Startup.cs with the call to AddIdentityServer various settings are configured on the ServerSideSessions options object to control the behavior.
  • The client application configured in Clients.cs has CoordinateLifetimeWithUserSession enabled, which causes its refresh token to slide the server-side session for the user.
  • When launching the IdentityServerHost project, you should visit the ~/serversidesessions page to see the active sessions. Note that there is no authorization on this page (so consider adding it based on your requirements).
  • Once you login, you should see a user’s session in the list.
  • As the client app refreshes its access token, you should see the user’s session expiration being extended.
  • When you revoke the user’s session, the user should be logged out of the client app.

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Session Migration

This sample shows how to do seamless migration of existing cookie-based session when enabling server side sessions. Normally when server side sesssions are enabled all existing logged in sessions are invalidated and the users are forced to log in again. If the application has sessions with long lifetimes where it would be a problem to have all users log in again the sessions can be migrated. Instructions for running the sample are in the HostingExtensions.cs file.

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