
Many protocol flows produce state that represents a grant of one type or another. These include authorization and device codes, reference and refresh tokens, and remembered user consent.


The persistence for grants is abstracted behind two interfaces:

Registering Custom Stores

Custom implementations of IPersistedGrantStore, and/or IDeviceFlowStore must be registered in the DI system. For example:


builder.Services.AddTransient<IPersistedGrantStore, YourCustomPersistedGrantStore>();
builder.Services.AddTransient<IDeviceFlowStore, YourCustomDeviceFlowStore>();

Grant Expiration and Consumption

The presence of the record in the store without a ConsumedTime and while still within the Expiration represents the validity of the grant. Setting either of these two values, or removing the record from the store effectively revokes the grant.

Some grant types are one-time use only (either by definition or configuration). Once they are “used”, rather than deleting the record, the ConsumedTime value is set in the database marking them as having been used. This “soft delete” allows for custom implementations to either have flexibility in allowing a grant to be re-used (typically within a short window of time), or to be used in risk assessment and threat mitigation scenarios (where suspicious activity is detected) to revoke access. For refresh tokens, this sort of custom logic would be performed in the IRefreshTokenService.

Grant Data

The Data property of the model contains the authoritative copy of the values in the store. This data is protected at rest using the ASP.NET Data Protection API. With the exception of ConsumedTime, The other properties of the model should be treated as read-only.

Persisted Grant Service

Working with the grants store directly might be too low level. As such, a higher level service called the IPersistedGrantService is provided. It abstracts and aggregates the different grant types into one concept, and allows querying and revoking the persisted grants for a user.