Backchannel Authentication Endpoint

The backchannel authentication endpoint is used by a client to initiate a CIBA request.

Clients must be configured with the “urn:openid:params:grant-type:ciba” grant type to use this endpoint. You can use the OidcConstants.GrantTypes.Ciba constant rather than hard coding the value for the CIBA grant type.

Required parameters

  • scope

    one or more registered scopes

The client id and a client credential is required to authenticate to the endpoint using any valid form of authentication that has been configured for it (much like the token endpoint).

Exactly one of these values is required

  • login_hint

    hint for the end user to be authenticated. the value used is implementation specific.

  • id_token_hint

    a previously issued id_token for the end user to be authenticated

  • login_hint_token

    a token containing information for the end user to be authenticated. the details are implementation specific.

To validate these implementation specific values and use them to identity the user that is to be authenticated, you are required to implement the IBackchannelAuthenticationUserValidator interface.

Optional parameters

  • binding_message

    identifier or message intended to be displayed on both the consumption device and the authentication device

  • user_code

    a secret code, such as a password or pin, that is known only to the user but verifiable by the OP

  • requested_expiry

    a positive integer allowing the client to request the expires_in value for the auth_req_id the server will return. if not present, then the optional CibaLifetime property on the Client is used, and if that is not present, then the DefaultLifetime on the CibaOptions will be used.

  • acr_values

    allows passing in additional authentication related information - IdentityServer special cases the following proprietary acr_values:

    • idp:name_of_idp

      bypasses the login/home realm screen and forwards the user directly to the selected identity provider (if allowed per client configuration)

    • tenant:name_of_tenant

      can be used to pass a tenant name to the login UI

  • resource

    resource indicator identifying the ApiResource for which the access token should be restricted to

  • request

    instead of providing all parameters as individual parameters, you can provide all of them as a JWT

POST /connect/ciba

    scope=openid api1&

And a successful response will look something like:

HTTP/1.1 200 OK
Content-Type: application/json
Cache-Control: no-store

    "auth_req_id": "1C266114A1BE42528AD104986C5B9AC1",
    "expires_in": 600,
    "interval": 5

.NET client library

You can use the IdentityModel client library to programmatically interact with the protocol endpoint from .NET code.

using IdentityModel.Client;

var client = new HttpClient();

var cibaResponse = await client.RequestBackchannelAuthenticationAsync(new BackchannelAuthenticationRequest
    Address = "",
    ClientId = "client1",
    ClientSecret = "secret",
    Scope = "openid api1",
    LoginHint = "alice",

And with a successful response, it can be used to poll the token endpoint:

while (true)
    var response = await client.RequestBackchannelAuthenticationTokenAsync(new BackchannelAuthenticationTokenRequest
        Address = "",
        ClientId = "client1",
        ClientSecret = "secret",
        AuthenticationRequestId = cibaResponse.AuthenticationRequestId

    if (response.IsError)
        if (response.Error == OidcConstants.TokenErrors.AuthorizationPending || response.Error == OidcConstants.TokenErrors.SlowDown)
            await Task.Delay(cibaResponse.Interval.Value * 1000);
            throw new Exception(response.Error);
        // success! use response.IdentityToken, response.AccessToken, and response.RefreshToken (if requested)