Profile Service


Encapsulates retrieval of user claims from a data source of your choice. See here for a sample.

/// <summary>
/// This interface allows IdentityServer to connect to your user and profile store.
/// </summary>
public interface IProfileService
    /// <summary>
    /// This method is called whenever claims about the user are requested (e.g. during token creation or via the userinfo endpoint)
    /// </summary>
    /// <param name="context">The context.</param>
    /// <returns></returns>
    Task GetProfileDataAsync(ProfileDataRequestContext context);

    /// <summary>
    /// This method gets called whenever identity server needs to determine if the user is valid or active (e.g. if the user's account has been deactivated since they logged in).
    /// (e.g. during token issuance or validation).
    /// </summary>
    /// <param name="context">The context.</param>
    /// <returns></returns>
    Task IsActiveAsync(IsActiveContext context);
  • GetProfileDataAsync

    The API that is expected to load claims for a user. It is passed an instance of ProfileDataRequestContext.

  • IsActiveAsync

    The API that is expected to indicate if a user is currently allowed to obtain tokens. It is passed an instance of IsActiveContext.


Models the request for user claims and is the vehicle to return those claims. It contains these properties:

  • Subject

    The ClaimsPrincipal modeling the user associated with this request for profile data. When the profile service is invoked for tokens, the Subject property will contain the user’s principal. Which claims are contained in the principal depends on the following:

    • When the server side sessions feature is enabled Subject will always contain the claims stored in the server side session.
    • When that is not the case, it depends on the caller context:
      • If the ProfileService is called in the context of a grant (e.g. exchanging a code for a token), the claims associated with that grant in the grant store will be used. When grants are stored, by default a snapshot of the logged in user’s claims are captured with the grant.
      • If there’s no grant context (e.g. when the user info endpoint is called) the claims in the access token will be used.
  • Client

    The Client for which the claims are being requested.

  • RequestedClaimTypes

    The collection of claim types being requested. This data is source from the requested scopes and their associated claim types.

  • Caller

    An identifier for the context in which the claims are being requested (e.g. an identity token, an access token, or the user info endpoint). The IdentityServerConstants.ProfileDataCallers class contains the different constant values.

  • IssuedClaims

    The list of claims that will be returned. This is expected to be populated by the custom IProfileService implementation.

  • AddRequestedClaims

    Extension method on the ProfileDataRequestContext to populate the IssuedClaims, but first filters the claims based on RequestedClaimTypes.


Models the request to determine if the user is currently allowed to obtain tokens. It contains these properties:

  • Subject

    The ClaimsPrincipal modeling the user.

  • Client

    The Client for which the claims are being requested.

  • Caller

    An identifier for the context in which the claims are being requested (e.g. an identity token, an access token, or the user info endpoint. The constant IdentityServerConstants.ProfileIsActiveCallers contains the different constant values.

  • IsActive

    The flag indicating if the user is allowed to obtain tokens. This is expected to be assigned by the custom IProfileService implementation.