This document describes how the integrity of software produced by Duende Software is maintained during the software development life cycle.
Our products are off-the shelf downloadable developer components. They are not managed services or SaaS - nor do we store, have access to, or process any of our customers’ data or their customers’ data.
IdentityServer has two dependencies:
Duende IdentityServer is a certified implementation of OpenID Connect.
NuGet packages published by Duende are cryptographically signed to ensure their authenticity and integrity. Our certificate is signed by DigiCert, which is a widely trusted certificate authority and installed by default in most environments. This means that in many circumstances, the NuGet tools can validate our packages’ signatures automatically.
However, some environments (notably the dotnet sdk docker image which is sometimes used in build pipelines) do not trust the certificate. In that case, it might be necessary to add the root certificate to NuGet’s code signing certificate bundle.
Here is an example of how to configure NuGet to trust the DigiCert root CA on the dotnet sdk docker image. This applies for Duende packages released after January 1, 2025, such as IdentityServer 7.1 and newer versions.
Note the dotnet sdk docker image already includes the tools used in this section.
If you are using another container image, make sure the following tools are available in the image:
, openssl
, cat
, and the .NET SDK.
First, get the DigiCert certificate:
Next, you validate that the thumbprint of the certificate is correct.
Bootstrapping trust in a certificate chain can be challenging. Fortunately, most
desktop environments already trust this certificate, so you can compare the
downloaded certificate’s thumbprint to the thumbprint of the certificate on a
machine that already trusts it. You should verify this independently, but for
your convenience, the thumbprint is
. You can check the
thumbprint of the downloaded certificate with openssl:
openssl x509 -in DigiCertTrustedG4CodeSigningRSA4096SHA2562021CA1.crt.pem -fingerprint -sha1 -noout
Then append that PEM to the certificate bundle at /usr/share/dotnet/sdk/9.0.102/trustedroots/codesignctl.pem
cat DigiCertTrustedG4CodeSigningRSA4096SHA2562021CA1.crt.pem >> /usr/share/dotnet/sdk/9.0.102/trustedroots/codesignctl.pem
After that, NuGet packages signed by Duende can be successfully verified, even if they are not distributed by
dotnet nuget verify Duende.IdentityServer.7.1.x.nupkg
Here is an example of how to configure NuGet to trust the Sectigo root CA on the dotnet sdk docker image for Duende packages released before January 1, 2025
Note the dotnet sdk docker image already includes the tools used in this section.
If you are using another container image, make sure the following tools are available in the image:
, openssl
, cat
, and the .NET SDK.
First, get the Sectigo certificate and convert it to PEM format:
openssl pkcs7 -inform DER -outform PEM -in SectigoPublicCodeSigningRootR46.p7c -print_certs -out sectigo.pem
Next, you should validate that the thumbprint of the certificate is correct.
Bootstrapping trust in a certificate chain can be challenging. Fortunately, most
desktop environments already trust this certificate, so you can compare the
downloaded certificate’s thumbprint to the thumbprint of the certificate on a
machine that already trusts it. You should verify this independently, but for
your convenience, the thumbprint is
. You can check the
thumbprint of the downloaded certificate with openssl:
openssl x509 -in sectigo.pem -fingerprint -sha1 -noout
Then append that PEM to the certificate bundle at /usr/share/dotnet/sdk/8.0.303/trustedroots/codesignctl.pem
cat sectigo.pem >> /usr/share/dotnet/sdk/8.0.303/trustedroots/codesignctl.pem
After that, NuGet packages signed by Duende can be successfully verified, even if they are not distributed by
dotnet nuget verify Duende.IdentityServer.7.0.x.nupkg